Introducing Infor TechEd: Amsterdam, NL, April 4–6, 2017

AddOn's die nicht in die anderen Kategorien passen. Sollten mehrere AddOn's zu einem Thema eingetragen werden, legen wir eine eigene Kategorie an.

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Infor News
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Introducing Infor TechEd: Amsterdam, NL, April 4–6, 2017

Beitrag von Infor News » 13. Mär 2017, 08:37

Come join Infor Education for a premiere technical conference focused on Infor LN.

Collaborative training and
networking with Infor product
experts and developers

Infor TechEd for Infor LN is a technical education conference designed to help you
get the most out of your enterprise software suite. Join us for this immersive, handson
learning experience where you’ll be able to learn directly from product experts
and instructors in a small group setting.

Find detailed information in the attached brochure.
TechEd Amsterdam April 2017
(1.07 MiB) 1999-mal heruntergeladen
